Monday, January 12, 2015

UbD Unit: Penguins

Theme: Penguins

Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals: (Resources – CCSS ELA, Illinois Social Studies Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, Illinois Fine Arts Standards)
CCSS RI.K.2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell details of the text.
CCSS W.K.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects. (shared writing)
CCSS W.K.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.  (propose a question and students use provided resources to find the answer to the question)
CCSS K.L.5 Sort objects into categories (flightless and flighted birds)
CCSS K.MD.2 Compare/Contrast two objects (flightless and flighted birds)
CCSS K.G.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe relative positions of theme objects using terms suck as above, below, beside, in front of, behind and next to. (sphere and hemisphere)
Student will understand that…
·      Form follows function (American Architect, Louis Sullivan)
Essential Questions:
·      Why can’t penguins fly?
Students will know…
·      Vocabulary – flightless, sphere, webbed, tobogganing, Antarctica
·      Penguins are flightless birds that live in the southern hemisphere
·      Penguins have small flipper-like wings that make them excellent swimmers
·      Penguins and other flightless birds have smaller wings in comparison to their bodies than flying birds
·      Penguins have shorter wing feathers than flying birds
Students will be able to (skills)…
·      Identify main topic of an informational book
·      Retell details from informational books
·      Gather information from provided resources to answer a question
·      Sort objects into categories
·      Compare/contrast two objects
·      Describe objects in the environment using the name of the shape (sphere, hemisphere)

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
·      Gather information from resources and draw a penguin showing characteristics (shorts legs, pudgy body, flipper-like wings and beak)
·      Retell details from readings and other resources to add to class web
·      Exit slips – identify the earth as a sphere, model a sphere from play dough, describe other items in the environment that are sphere shaped
·      Compare/contrast pictures of flying and flightless birds
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
1.           Cut and Paste penguins (directed)
2.      Popplet graphic organizer showing initial guesses to essential question (shared)
3.      After listening to book tub titles and book titles, select books best used to answer question
4.      iPad App ABCmouse (penguin facts and quiz)
5.      iPad App California Academy of Science (videos and live cams)
6.      iPad App Pocket Zoo (penguin sounds, videos, cams)
7.      iPad App World Book Animals (whole group – too much reading)
8.      Read informational text – National Geographic Kids: Penguins, Baby Penguin, Face-to-Face Penguins, Scholastic Science Readers Level 1 Penguins, Pierre the Penguin (a True Story)
9.      Read fiction text – Tacky the Penguin (book and app), Tacky in Trouble, Penguin Pete, Ahoy!
10.    Website: www.wonderopolis (projector together-video and text –What is an Emperor Penguin, Why can’t penguins fly?)
11.    Penguin live cam Sea World San Diego
12.    Writing Prompt: How would you teach a penguin to fly?
13.    Diving experiment (2 liter bottles, different shapes of clay, which shape "dives" through the water fastest?

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